Spudart on Neocities
Comic archives
Is "Greetings Earthling" an appropriate salutation?
"Granny cart" renamed "Urban metal cart" by Target's positive euphemisms
Solution for Derrick Rose's neck tape ban by the NBA
I hope the Death Star librarian is in the new "Tiny Death Star" game
Social media plush toys
#iiinccccreeeeedddddd dddiibbbbbbllllleee
Happy New Week!
List of all 126 colors without the letter e
Shifted serial time calendar
Google decides the battle of Cutsie vs Cutesie vs Cutesy
Happy 736,000th day!
Today's date is 2x8=16
Etymology of science fiction
The 8 most unpopular free fonts
Five breakfast foods that peaked in the 80s
Who are the best superheroes by their movie ratings?
The word 'digital' circles back around to original Latin meaning
Instead of Daylight Savings, what if we had Day Savings?